Safety is Our #1 Priority
Spartan employee’s, client’s and the public’s safety and health are of primary importance to Spartan. In turn, it is our responsibility to do our part to work safely, wear appropriate safety equipment, observe all safety rules and regulations, and to keep our work areas neat and clean. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established general job safety and health standards. Spartan bases our program on the philosophy that these rules and standards are minimum requirements and in order to provide a safe and efficient work environment, we must go above and beyond these standards.
Our Goal is Triple Zeros
Spartan’s Goal in safety and Health is ZERO incidents, ZERO accidents and ZERO spills (Triple Zeros). All team members at Spartan have an obligation, not only to themselves, but also to fellow employees, to familiarize themselves with the safety practices that apply to their work. In order to provide an effective safety program that not only delivers guidance to employees, it also produces a safe working environment for each person.